Dark Side

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Happy New Year?

A Happy New Year? Let's hope so.

A lot happened to me in 2010. I started the year off with no job. Finding a job, even a temporary crappy one, was impossible. While my bills grew larger and larger, it rained harder and harder. Remember all that rain fall last Spring? My truck broke down too, which left me hopping from bus to bus, train to train. But, I kept my head up.

All 2010 year long, corruption ran abundantly in this nation that I love. Corruption hit this country hard, as well as bleeding into my personal life. While trying to face the music by standing up for what is right, my actions caused me to side with God, which caused me to lose standing with many of my friends. I even picked up several enemies along the way.

In 2010 alone, I lost more friends on Facebook than I gained. I also received four major death threats that were due to my beliefs as a Christian. In turn, those I hoped would support me in times of darkness abandoned my side when the $#!+ really hit the fan. I did have a select few who remained by my side, and told me to not drop my sword. I thank God for these obvious people, and for those Silent Stars.

All year long, I persevered- holding onto my Judeo-Christian, conservative, patriotic, non-pussied beliefs. I held on to not giving up in hard times. I found strength in the one true God to help me make it through this retarded economy and dying national government. While 2010 slowly dragged on, it eventually turned around.

God brought me people to give me strength in my hard times. These people helped feed, clothe, support, and pray for me. One even gave me a chance in helping me achieve a wonderful job. My personal finances slowly began to heal as 2010 came to an end... but the Spiritual Warfare remained violent.

All 2010, confessing before mankind that you are a Christian ( a real Christian, not that pussy-foot, sweater kind) was a real nightmare. To try to live life making decisions that please God, rather than pleasing man, is a real bitch. Life becomes miserable, unenjoyable, and definitely emotionally taxing. All 365 days of 2010 was a fight for righteousness....

...a fight that is definitely worth it.

Now, we begin 2011. It's hard to see 2011 as a "happy" and "new" year. If anything, it's another year to keep on battling the evils that destroy what we Americans love the most. I plan on battling... even harder.

I plan on stepping it up a notch this year. I want to be a leader, and help those who are seeking justice, by finding it. I plan on naming the "evils" that I talk about. I plan on explaining in detail WHAT evils are destroying the fabric of righteousness in this country.

It'll only get worse, but I will not back down.

Happy New Year.... here I come.

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