Dark Side

Sunday, February 26, 2012

In The End

The end result can tell us a lot. If I build a car, part by part, I can test to see if I built it correctly by starting it. If the engine runs healthy, I know by the end result that I build this car correctly.

Many times, we can see evidence to our actions by our end result. If I have a drinking problem, then seek help, I can tell whether or not my counseling is positive or not by my latter drinking habits.

A new product arrives on the line and promises to perform a certain way. I purchase this product in hopes that it will uphold to it's purpose. When I go to use the product, I will know whether or not it is of any quality by it's performance.

But sometimes, it's not so complicated and doesn't require a lot of scientific data. For example, if I play a sports game, i.e. basketball, I can tell by the final score whether or not I was victorious. Plain and simple.

Now, what if I was given data (that any person of reason would confirm) that said I won the basketball game. (say my final score was 117, and the opposing team was 108) It is evident that I won, right? What do I do if I'm told that I lost...especially when the facts show I won by 9 points?

Could I fight for the evidential truth? If so, what would I do? What would I need to do? How can one screw up a grilled-cheese sandwich? The score is plain and clear that I was the winner.

This is one reason why I can't stand living.

Let's say someone told me I lost that basketball game when I clearly won it.
I would find their accusations to be wrong. If I was passionate about how hard I worked at winning that game, I would also find it offensive.

But when I present the facts that show what the final score was, how is it that I'm being offensive?
And lets say the evidence I used was a recorded game book that showed a written score tally- Is it fair for those who claim I lost to say they do not approve of what evidence I used to defend my case?

Next thing I know, I'm apologizing for trying to defend myself when I originally was the victim. I'm apologizing because it was untactful to ask the refs for the game score record book. I'm apologizing for being the victim of slander.

Do you think this is silly? I sure as hell do.

Imagine fighting for truth because YOU are a victim....
...then imagine having to apologize because your pain is offensive.
If a rape victim screamed bloody murder while a guy raped her, should she apologize for screaming? Should she apologize for trying to scratch his face? Should she apologize for calling the cops?

I tried so hard and I got so far, but in the end....it doesn't even matter. As a victim, I had to apologize for being hurt.

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