Dark Side

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Closing Time

This is my favorite time: when my neighboring citizens call it a night.

After a final meal, I look over my empty table and gaze into the blackness of the night. So many little lights and sparkling colors throughout the distance. Depending on what part of the city I'm in, I could be showered with the bland orange lighting of high pressure sodium street lamps.

The cold night air moves in and I take my first breath of cold humidity. Not that south Texas humidity that causes your naked body to stick to the leather. Every night I walk this city, embracing the mist.

As this day comes to an end, I fear what may happen when I close my eyes. What does the devil have in store for me next? Hell, I woke up this morning to a phone call telling me that my closest friend has now become my enemy. "Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer." A phrase that can be found in Christianity and in the mob.

For every moment I rest, the enemy only grows stronger. It's foolish to pretend that there is no enemy. Everyday there is an evil working hard to destroy my American way of life. And then there's humanity. What challenges of this lost society will I have to deal with tomorrow? Will I have enough ammunition to take on the fight and be victorious in battle?

Loretta signals to me that it's time to close up. Waitresses don't get tipped enough.

Every night I walk this city, embracing the mist.

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